RSVP to attend: [email protected] Join us for Game Night! Doors open at 6pm -- meeting begins at 6:30pm Choose from Mexican Train dominoes Hand & Foot cards Left/Right/Center dice ($3 buy-in / easy to play!) You're welcome to bring your own game and teach others how to play BYOB / BYOS Bring Your Own Beverage […]
PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] We will be hosting Wine Connoisseurs at a local French restaurant. No wines or food need to be prepared or brought by anyone! It’s going to be a lovely, stress-free evening in a charming French restaurant with French wine and food We will enjoy several small French plates and French wines […]
Pin Kaow Thai 1974 North Rainbow Las Vegas, NV 89108
Joey's Tavern 7081 W Craig Road Getting to Joey's is a bit tricky, when you get into the parking lot, go to the far back end of the strip center. Past Albertsons, past Denny's. a neighborhood tavern that offers a variety of domestic,import, and craft beers and good bar food. Menu:
TWO Sessions Scheduled! RSVP for one or the other! Due to the popularity of our Social Rocks! Paint & Sips, we are excited to offer 2 sessions again this month. If increased attendance continues, we will likely offer 2 sessions in future months as well. Please RSVP with your session preference (Session #1 or #2): […]
Now Two Sessions! Sign up for one or the other February Themes: Valentine's Football, St. Patrick's Day
Chill Bar & Grill 7905 W Sahara Ave Suite 102-103 Las Vegas, NV 89117 Las Vegas locals have made Chill Bar & Grill one of the most popular pizzerias in the area. If you don't feel like pizza, try some of their top dishes, and maybe you'll discover a new favorite -- Specialties include House […]
Coordinator: Lee Ann Allahyar rsvp: [email protected] Join us for February's BYOB Plan on bringing tasty appetizer and treats to share, and of course — bring your own beverage!Hosts’ name & address will be provided once your rsvp is confirmed.
Pin Kaow Thain 1974 N. Rainbow BlvdLas Vegas
Sierra Gold 2400 N. Buffalo. This month’s beer tasting event will be at Sierra Gold a Nevada style tavern, 2400 N. Buffalo. Located at the intersection of Smoke Ranch and Buffalo. This is the second one for 2024 so we look forward to a great time by all! Beer Hour starts at 5:00 PM there […]
You are Invited to the February Wine Connoisseurs Event! In February, the Wine Connoisseurs event will celebrate UNIQUE - UNUSUAL RED WINES Choose your favorite Barbera, Cabernet Franc, Nebbiolo, Shiraz, Gamay, Grenache, Mavro, Muscat or Petit Verdot wines, to name a few that are not our usual blends. Let’s try something different and new. Along […]